With the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, companies were compelled to make the transition online in order to showcase their products and services. With the advent of Covid-19, certain restrictions were introduced including social distancing. Work from home became the norm, and it also led to more and more people searching for products and services that were available online. While the significance of Digital Marketing has been increasing over the years, the market is continuing to grow rapidly despite the spread of Covid-19 and there is a high demand for skilled digital marketing professionals. Since it is quite apparent that digital marketing is the future of marketing and business, this would be the ideal time for individuals to pursue an MBA in Digital Marketing.
There are several benefits of doing your MBA in Digital Marketing:
- Demand for Digital Marketing in Industries - In this thriving industry, there is always a demand for digital marketing professionals. As the world steadily moves towards complete digitalisation, this demand will only grow therefore providing ample opportunities in the digital marketing industry for individuals.
- Greater Flexibility - Since Digital Marketing is based online, your geographical location hardly matters. After the Covid-19 pandemic, work from home became the norm and this means that as a Digital Marketing professional, you can perform your duties anywhere and everywhere. This gives you some flexibility to do your work, which is not possible with traditional marketing approaches.
- Cost-Efficient - An MBA in Digital Marketing does not require a very high investment. The degree is reasonable and cost-effective and is in-demand. It adds weightage to your resume and implies that you are fit for any kind of marketing role. This degree gives you an edge over the others who are competing for the same jobs.
- Knowledge Enhancement - An MBA in Digital Marketing helps you acquire knowledge about business administration as well as several marketing concepts. With this enhanced knowledge that you gain, you can apply it in various fields and across different industries.
- Future Scope - After completing your MBA in Digital Marketing, there are several options available for individuals who wish to pursue higher studies. They may pursue a PhD in Business Management, Doctor of Business (DBA), Project Management Professional (PMP) among others, which may help them in expanding their earning potential and also increase their knowledge.
- Better Salary - Since the scope of digital marketing is increasing worldwide, the demand for individuals with an MBA in Digital Marketing is also increasing. However, since the demand for marketing professionals is higher than the supply, it will prove beneficial for employees. If you have a strong skill set and expertise, you are more likely to get a higher and better salary.
While there are many benefits to pursuing an MBA in Digital Marketing, there are not too many colleges where the course is available and some colleges are not well-equipped to teach the course. However, BIBS is one of the few MBA colleges in Kolkata which offers an MBA in Digital Marketing. The faculty at BIBS is extremely knowledgeable and the students are mentored by corporate experts from the industry. They receive first-hand experience from corporates and are trained under live projects. If you are looking to pursue your MBA in Digital Marketing, then BIBS is one of the top MBA colleges in Kolkata that is well-equipped to teach this course.