
Building a Resilient MBA Network in Times of Pandemic

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As an MBA student, while graduating you must look at your return on investment and consider the employment options that are available to you. However, during the pandemic, the students must make these decisions during such uncertain times. Given the current situation, many students who are pursuing their MBA-EX, are in a bind about how to build their network and increase their opportunities. 

Here are some ways that you can build a resilient MBA Network during the pandemic -

  • Get to know your classmates on a personal level - During your MBA-EX, the class strength is usually a relatively small number. Before you start your classes, try and make an effort to make acquaintances with your classmates. Try to have at least one meaningful interaction with each classmate before the ending of the first semester of your Executive MBA program. Even though your coursework for Executive MBA is a lot of work, building a network is also a crucial part of going to business school. When you interact with your classmates, you shouldn’t shy away from asking them about their lives and their careers and what they like about their field. One of the major benefits of MBA-EX is peer to peer learning. 
  • Student leadership opportunities - You should try and take up positions of leadership as and when they present themselves. This is highly recommended and crucial for you while you try to build your MBA network. This is because, when you are in the role of a student leader, you are presented with plenty of opportunities to work with your peers closely. This garners positivity and support in your favour. When you put yourself in a position where you are able to interact with all your classmates and have a friendly approach, you are more likely to build connections that will last you a lifetime.
  •  Be open to collaboration - While it is important to develop and improve leadership skills, it is equally important to be able to work with other members of your team. During your MBA-EX when you are a part of a group project, while it is important to occasionally take the lead and guide your team members, you must also give your peers a chance to share their opinions. Lead from the forefront, but when necessary you should take a step back and encourage responses from your team members. This builds team spirit and after you graduate with your Executive MBA degree, your peers will remember you and respect you. Making room for the opinions of others’ and being open to collaboration helps in building a good network during your MBA-EX.

These are a few things that may help you in building a resilient network during your MBA-EX degree in the time of a pandemic when everything is being held online and the scope for interactions has been reduced. For working professionals who wish to pursue their Executive MBA in Kolkata, there are certain colleges that provide scope for building a good network. Among these colleges, Bengal Institute of Business Studies (BIBS) is one of the top MBA colleges in Kolkata, that offers an Executive MBA program which is specially designed for working professionals. The timings are convenient keeping in mind the busy schedules of working executives, and the college also provides TRAILS certifications for students to brighten their future prospects. The college provides ample networking opportunities for students as corporate sessions with top business leaders are organised for students as well.

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