If you can curate unique and creative strategies for advertisement and know how to engage audiences, then it has the capacity to lure the attention of the audiences. It generates the inquisitive side of its viewers that wants to learn more about the product or service. A creative ad can engage the audience and result in conversions.
Creating an advertisement requires you to take a lot of factors into consideration. You must be aware of the demand of your audience and the type of content they are willing to consume. Investing in proper research and going through case studies of path-breaking advertisements of the past can help in understanding what was the thought behind these advertisements.
The classroom of an MBA programme from top B schools in Kolkata lets you have an open discussion from a pool of ideas generated in a brainstorming session. It lets you nurture the ideas, plan ahead, and set a motive.
To increase the reachability of your content, you need to have strong marketing skills. The competition to make the advertisement of your product or service viewed is very high. All your contemporary companies are also attempting to make their content connect with individuals more than their competitors. To prevent the audience from seeing their competitor’s ads, Volkswagen came up with an astonishing idea that completely changed the marketing strategy of businesses.
Volkswagen’s marketing strategy ensured people don’t see ads from competing brands, the easy way to do this is to buy out all ad shots in the three-minute ad break. But that’s an expensive process. Instead, Volkswagen's marketing strategy identified slots where their competitors were advertising and they bought the first ad slot in that ad break.
Then, Volkswagen in Australia came up with a unique concept of introducing an interactive TV ad that turned into a racing game on mobile. Volkswagen’s marketing strategy promoted its new Golf GTI in Australia by transforming a TV commercial into an interactive mobile competition that allows viewers to race the vehicle against everyone else watching the same ad break.
The game was designed in such a way that people who are not gamers have the accessibility to participate in the game too. It was a crucial part to make sure that people can play this game without downloading any app.
Through Volkswagen's marketing strategy people were redirected to a site after scanning the code with their smartphone, where they competed against other ad viewers in a race that lasted the entire ad break (roughly three minutes). Players are entered into a drawing to win the GTI if they finish the race and beat the qualifying time.
Volkswagen's marketing strategy also created a site where people could practise for the race, learn about the car, and find out when the next ad would air and on which channel. The QR scan for such was available on the banners and hoardings of billboards.
The timing of the ad was during the display of the competitor’s ad on television. As the duration of both ads was the same, people chose to engage themself with the thrilling ad that they had not foreseen before. This prevented audiences from seeing other contemporary ads and choosing the advertisement of Volkswagen instead.
To come up with such strategies, MBA is the perfect solution. An MBA Programme makes you able to develop creative solutions to problems by learning to juggle competing inputs, priorities, and approaches. The classroom of an MBA course instills the creative problem-solving approach by providing a variety of modules in a wide range of highly relevant topics, from innovation and risk management to knowledge leadership in a global economy.
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